Thursday, November 02, 2006

watched desperate housewives the whole morning and i'm finally done with season one. (:
and i did household chores.
i'm amazed at myself.
okay fine.
because there was seriously nothing much to do so i've decided to clean up the house.
i'm not so hardworking in actual fact. :/

thank God there was gerard who saved me from rotting at home the whole day. (:
met him for lunch at ikea.
felt damn bad that he had to travel all the way here from ermm...boon keng?
sorry fan. :(
wanted to treat him drink but he ended up paying for my coffee and my cake.
btw, daim cake is damn good. :D
and swedish meatballs rocks my socks too.
yum yum ((:
i'm satisfied.
talked about all sorts of nonsense from OBS to shooting to some otto shake machine thingy.
so my day wasn't that bad afterall.
thanks dude! (:

damn sian.
still have to go back school tmr to collect money for new lit text.
all the way back to school to pay 15 bucks ok.
it's no laughing matter.
but then again i can go support those who are having chinese a's.

my bro is backkkk!
and he bought lots of nice nice food for me. (:
especially my coconut sweets.
damn sweet and thoughtful man.
i love him! :D

finding myself in a place i've never been where i don't know myself or anyone else i can dream about the past or i can just let it go i lost track of time five days ago what is it about you that makes me want to stay is it all the love or is it just the pain don't leave me now we've come too far just to set our eyes on a new star i'll ride on clouds 'til you come down just promise me you'll always leave the ground in the drivers seat is my self-esteem where i know that the heart should be i'm cleaning off these shelves to show you how i've changed and if all goes well tonight will call for rain i'm moving pass the past at the slowest of speeds hoping that our love exceeds our insecurities finding myself i'm running in circles it's you i'm thinking of and if you don't want to talk then this isn't love a new destination i'll say my goodbyes with my back turned to you at least i know we tried

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